Please reach us at or call (866) 434-6774 if you cannot find an answer to your question.
California Lemon Law was created to protect the consumer. It covers more than vehicles. Essentially, if it is under warranty, you may have a claim.
Generally speaking, it should still be under warranty, have been in for repairs more than once, and the problems affect the safety, use, or value of your vehicle. The best way to know is to call us and speak with an attorney about your case.
We are different than any other lemon law firm because from the very beginning with us you will always speak to an attorney. With other firms, most of the time the first person you speak with is a phone operator or assistant. Their main job is to sign you up as a client and they may make promises that an attorney can’t keep. With us you always speak to a lawyer who is qualified to give you an accurate assessment of your case. Throughout the whole process you will only ever speak to an attorney.
You don’t have to pay a penny. We front all the costs. And if we don’t get you anything, we don’t get paid. Further, under California law, if we are successful, the manufacturer is responsible to pay attorney fees.
Yes! We will walk you through every step. You invested a lot of money in your vehicle, and it is not fair that you have to keep taking it for repairs. Let us help you get out of your lemon and into a new vehicle.
Copyright © 2022 – A division of KTL
225 South Lake Ave., Suite 300, Pasadena, CA 91101
351 Paseo Nuevo, Floor 2, Santa Barbara, CA 93101